The command line program srvrmgr is not that
popular in Siebel, but any reasonably seasoned sadmin will soon discover how useful
it is considering the GUI limitations.
One of the most obvious reasons to use is when the AOM is out-of-service for any reason and you don't have a Siebel Client Dedicated configured. Other usage is for tasks automation.
This posts is about some tips that I found here and there about using srvrmgr.
Note: this post was updated at October 6, 2015 to include additional content.
Hide your password
Let's consider for a moment the password usage with the program: you may have
notice that doesn't matter if you use the "-p" option or not, the password is always
echoed to the standard output!
There are different forms to solve this, but the better one is to disable the echo when typing the password. Several programming languages may help you in this. With Perl, for example, this is very straightforward in a Microsoft Windows environment:
use Term::ReadKey qw(ReadMode);
use Win32::Process;
my $server = '';
my $gateway = '';
my $enterprise = '';
my $user = '';
my $srvrmgr = 'sea752\\client\\BIN\\srvrmgr.exe';
system('chcp 1252');
print 'Type your password to connect to Siebel Server: ';
my $password = ;
print "\n\n";
my $process;
Win32::Process::Create( $process, $srvrmgr,
"srvrmgr /e $enterprise /g $gateway /u $user /p $password",
or die errorReport();
sub errorReport {
print Win32::FormatMessage( Win32::GetLastError() );
Of course, any modern programming language will help you with that.
If you have a MS Windows environment and is particularly interested in better hiding the password, take a look at the Server Manager 2 program that is part of the Siebel GNU Tools project.
Configuring the output
Character encoding
First, let's talk about configuring character encoding. Let's suppose that your system is configured in PTB and you run a simple list comp command in the srvrmgr prompt:srvrmgr> list comp
----------------- ------------------------------------ ------------ ----------- -----------------
ClientAdmin Client Administration System Background Ativado
CommConfigMgr Communications Configuration Manager CommMgmt Batch Ativado
CommOutboundMgr Communications Outbound Manager CommMgmt Batch Ativado
CommSessionMgr Communications Session Manager CommMgmt Batch Ativado
DbXtract Database Extract Remote Batch Ativado
EAIObjMgr_enu EAI Object Manager (ENU) EAI Interactive Ativado
MailMgr Email Manager CommMgmt Background Ativado
EIM Enterprise Integration Mgr EAI Batch Ativado
FSMSrvr File System Manager System Batch Ativado
GenNewDb Generate New Database Remote Batch Ativado
GenTrig Generate Triggers Workflow Batch Ativado
PageMgr Page Manager CommMgmt Background Ativado
PDbXtract Parallel Database Extract Remote Batch Em execuþÒo
RepAgent Replication Agent Remote Background Ativado
ServerMgr Server Manager System Interactive Em execuþÒo
SRBroker Server Request Broker System Interactive Em execuþÒo
SRProc Server Request Processor System Interactive Em execuþÒo
SynchMgr Synchronization Manager Remote Interactive Ativado
TxnMerge Transaction Merger Remote Background Em execuþÒo
TxnProc Transaction Processor Remote Background Em execuþÒo
TxnRoute Transaction Router Remote Background Em execuþÒo
UpgKitBldr Upgrade Kit Builder SiebAnywhere Batch Ativado
WorkActn Workflow Action Agent Workflow Background Ativado
WorkMon Workflow Monitor Agent Workflow Background Ativado
WfProcBatchMgr Workflow Process Batch Manager Workflow Batch Ativado
WfProcMgr Workflow Process Manager Workflow Batch Ativado
ePharmaObjMgr_enu ePharma Object Manager (ENU) LifeSciences Interactive Ativado
ePharmaObjMgr_esn ePharma Object Manager (ESN) LifeSciences Interactive Ativado
ePharmaObjMgr_ptb ePharma Object Manager (PTB) LifeSciences Interactive Ativado
Pretty standard output, except by the weird characters. Output from srvrmgr is usually
Unicode (UTF-8) but your OS terminal must be set to use it.
If your are in a Microsoft Windows environment, you will have to change your current code page. Your default configuration may vary, but to get all the characters corrected printed (assuming the output is in UTF-8) you will need to set it to 65001:
I:\> chcp 65001
Active code page: 65001
That will do. In Linux, most probably your terminal is already configured to
UTF-8. If not, you may want to take a look at exporting the LC_ALL variable to your
language. For Brazilian Portuguese, that would be the desired value:
export LC_ALL=pt_BR.UTF-8
That may vary depending in your Linux distribution. If you are on UNIX, you may
need to consult the OS documentation for that.
It is also good to remember that the spool command may also follow your database
encoding. At least when I used databases in UTF-8, the output of srvrmgr followed the
Manipulating the commands output
It is possible to change the way that srvrmgr will show the output from commands. For example, the default output of list comp is this:srvrmgr> list comp
---------- ----------------------------- ---------------------------------------- -------- ------------ ----------- ----------------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ------------------- ----------- --------- ------------ ------------
siebsrvdev BusIntBatchMgr Business Integration Batch Manager EAI Batch Online 0 20 1 1 2012-03-01 14:59:11
siebsrvdev BusIntMgr Business Integration Manager EAI Batch Online 0 20 1 1 2012-03-01 14:59:11
siebsrvdev ClientAdmin Client Administration System Background Online 0 1 2012-03-01 14:59:11
The output is a bit difficult to read and I did it intentionally: this is exactly how
the data is displayed in my terminal. If you use this frequently, it may be a
This can be changed with the command configure list. Let's
see it's on line help:srvrmgr> help configure list
configure list
[show [ AS ]]
[, [ AS ]] ....
The command allows you to configure the columns that will be shown, the size of it
and even creating a different alias for them.
You can also check the current configuration of list comp:
srvrmgr> configure list comp
SV_NAME (31): Server name
CC_ALIAS (31): Component alias
CC_NAME (76): Component name
CT_ALIAS (31): Component type alias
CG_ALIAS (31): Component GRoup Alias
CC_RUNMODE (31): Component run mode (enum)
CP_DISP_RUN_STATE (61): Component display run state
CP_NUM_RUN_TASKS (11): Current number of running tasks
CP_MAX_TASKS (11): Maximum tasks configured
CP_ACTV_MTS_PROCS (11): Active MTS control processes
CP_MAX_MTS_PROCS (11): Maximum MTS control processes
CP_START_TIME (21): Component start time
CP_END_TIME (21): Component end time
CP_STATUS (251): Component-reported status
CC_INCARN_NO (23): Incarnation Number
CC_DESC_TEXT (251): Component description
With the show option you be
able to see which columns you want and in the desired sequence:
srvrmgr> configure list comp show SV_NAME(31),CC_ALIAS(21),CC_NAME(76)
srvrmgr> configure list comp
SV_NAME (31): Server name
CC_ALIAS (21): Component alias
CC_NAME (76): Component name
srvrmgr> list comp
---------- -------------------- ----------------------------------------
siebsrvdev BusIntBatchMgr Business Integration Batch Manager
siebsrvdev BusIntMgr Business Integration Manager
siebsrvdev ClientAdmin Client Administration
siebsrvdev CommConfigMgr Communications Configuration Manager
siebsrvdev CommInboundMgr Communications Inbound Manager
siebsrvdev eSitesClinicalObjMgr eSitesClinical Object Manager (PTB)
52 rows returned.
Now it is easier on the eyes! But what if you need all the columns to be
There is a trick for that and as far as I know, it's undocumented. I present you
the set command. With it you can change or (show current) configuration. Let's see
the options available:
The parameter we want here is ColumnWidth. If you
enable it will be possible to define the width of the columns output using the
list command:
srvrmgr> set ColumnWidth true
srvrmgr> set
username sadmin*
service (null)
enterprise (null)
app server (null)
compression FALSE*
encryption FALSE*
protocol TCP/IP*
port (null)*
cluster (null)*
name server (null)*
log filter (null)
verbose FALSE
batch FALSE
header TRUE
footer TRUE
ColumnWidth 1
All done! If you paid attention, you saw that the configure list command uses the column name followed by a parenthesis with a integer between: this is the width in characters of the column. With the command below you can change the columns width to have longer (or narrower) output. Beware that you may truncate the output or even the columns names if the width is not larger enough:
srvrmgr> configure list comp show
Time saving tips
Avoid some typing
After configuring your optimal output, you may wonder that is a bit boring to repeat this every time. That's right, it would be boring.
Here are some commands to save your time and patience:
save preferences
load preferences
is for creating aliases for your commands. You type:
alias [name] [command]
And that's it.
and load
preferences will keep your current environment configuration to a text file and load
those preferences, respectively. The default location for this file will always be
the bin directory where the srvrmgr program is
available and the name of the file will always be ".Siebel_svrmgr.pref".
Beware that any set you used won't
be save to the preferences file. Of course, being a text file is just a matter to
open it and repeat the commands there.
Then you may be in trouble if the srvrmgr is shared
between different users. You may want to have your own copy of preferences. That's
where read commands
read c:\temp\create_custom_compdefs.txt
Use the wild card
You can filter further the output from any command by using the wild card "%"
(without the parenthesis) for some of the values that are part of the output.
Depending on the command, this is be applicable to different columns but not all of
them. For example, if you want to list components that have the alias starting with
list comp wf%The wild card only matches what starts or ends with the given pattern. You cannot use both at the same time.
Configure and use Server Group feature
Since Siebel version 8 you can use the feature of Server Group with srvrmgr. This feature allow you to create... servers groups. This will allow you to connect to a defined group and send a single command to all of them at once. When you want to connect to the server group, include the /z command line option to the server, followed by the server group name you had defined previously.
To create a server group, use the command below to each one of the server that you
want to be part of the group:
For any reason that escapes my imagination, it is necessary to have a space between the double quotes.
change attribute groupname=[server group name] for server [siebel server name]
This example is assuming that you had connected to the Enterprise instead of
specifying the Siebel server name.
To remove a Siebel Server from a Server Group use:
To remove a Siebel Server from a Server Group use:
change attribute groupname=" " for server [siebel server name]
For any reason that escapes my imagination, it is necessary to have a space between the double quotes.
Performance tips
And here are some tips related to performance when using srvrmgr:
Another possibility is to set the delimiter variable to a single character to use as delimiter. Once you do this you will be able to fetch correctly the values from one column to another. In fact, you can totally ignore column width output unless some columns are having their name truncated due being larger than their respective output (for example, columns with Boolean values).
You can't set the output of list advance parameters directly with configure. Also, you can't rely on the list parameters to get the same formated output.
This looks like a bug that I saw only with Siebel 8.1. So far, the workaround is not setting the list parameters output anyhow before running list advanced parameters: if you do it, the respective columns that shows when the parameters starts to take effect will be truncated.
Note the TK_TID and TK_PID values for the appropriate task id that you have flushed the FDR buffer for. This will help you find the appropriate FDR file (the last part of the file name should map to the TK_PID value), and after decoding the file, will help you identify the entries relevant to the task id you are interested in. Each entry should have a ThreadID value equal to the TK_TID value. This is especially important when considering that a single process may have many threads.
program instantiates new processes of Server Manager component, which is not a
multi-thread component, that means that each connection creates a new process,
which is a expensive task for any OS.
use the "/s" options whenever possible to retrieve data: instead of
connecting to the enterprise and submitting a command to all servers, connect
individually to each server and retrieve the data you want: this will avoid
serializing the output and creating additional processes in the other servers
instead of a single one.
if you have a lot of commands to send to the Server Manager component, don't
use several srvrmgr
executions with the "/c" option. Instead, write all the commands to a text file
(one command per line) and use the "/i". This will use a single connection to
run all the commands. You most probably will want to the check the "/o" and
"/b" options too.
Batch mode tips
can also work in batch mode. That means you can connect only once and get out
only after all the commands were executed. There are several situations when this
feature is interesting. One is executing a large amount of commands that you
might need to repeat several times. Another is executing some commands in a
scheduled task. These are some tips for batch mode:
- use the /b option whenever possible. This options will required that all commands executed before the current command were executed successfully. Any command that raised an error will cause the program to abort execution. This will help you to generate more errors or putting the system into a invalid state.
- use the sleep command to put a time between a command and other. Useful if you starting a server or are submitting a lot of new tasks.
- specify a value for the parameter TaskTag when starting a new task. This text will appear in the list tasks command if you include the TK_TASKTAG column with the configure output command or the show parameter.
- you can omit the header when connecting with the Siebel Server by using the -q command line option of srvrmgr (also undocumented).
There are some caveats using srvrmgr. I'll give some workarounds when possible.Your settings with output width is not working
If you are fetching information from several servers, you will notice that the
output may be larger than the width you set. This seems to happen when one of the
servers have larger output for a column than the other servers. If you get output
from a single servers you will be able to control that.
Another possibility is to set the delimiter variable to a single character to use as delimiter. Once you do this you will be able to fetch correctly the values from one column to another. In fact, you can totally ignore column width output unless some columns are having their name truncated due being larger than their respective output (for example, columns with Boolean values).
To set the delimiter, you can use the set delimiter command inside the srvrmgr prompt or use the command line option -k for it. Both expects as parameter a single character to be used as the delimiter.
Advanced parameters output configuration is not working
When setting list parameters
output, all works. For any reason, the same is not applied to the list advanced
parameters command.
You can't set the output of list advance parameters directly with configure. Also, you can't rely on the list parameters to get the same formated output.
This looks like a bug that I saw only with Siebel 8.1. So far, the workaround is not setting the list parameters output anyhow before running list advanced parameters: if you do it, the respective columns that shows when the parameters starts to take effect will be truncated.
set command is not saved to preferences files
If you need to keep set commands to
the preferences files, know that save preferences
will not help you. Instead, go there and write the command manually. The
preferences will do the expected thing.
The non-documented commands
Despite the fact that you can always use the on-line help command,
there are some commands that are not documented there.
list advanced parameters
To see advanced parameters for any one of the
available items of list
parameters command.
list hidden parameters
To see hidden parameters for for any one of the
available items of list
parameters command.
List threads id's
When analyzing Siebel component crashes, having the associated threads id's will help you identifying the root cause of the errors.
srvrmgr> list tasks show CC_ALIAS, TK_TASKID, TK_TID, TK_PID
This will generate a list of tasks and include the component alias (CC_ALIAS), the task id (TK_TASKID), the OS thread id (TK_TID), and OS process id (TK_PID).
Note the TK_TID and TK_PID values for the appropriate task id that you have flushed the FDR buffer for. This will help you find the appropriate FDR file (the last part of the file name should map to the TK_PID value), and after decoding the file, will help you identify the entries relevant to the task id you are interested in. Each entry should have a ThreadID value equal to the TK_TID value. This is especially important when considering that a single process may have many threads.
Listing servers id's
The command list server show
SBLSRVR_NAME, SV_SRVRID allows you to show the server Id created when
the server was installed in the Siebel Enterprise. This information is required
when configuring the native load balance of AOM's. The configure
command for list server will not show the column SV_SRVRID either.
list procs
This command will show the process associated with the Siebel components with some additional data.
srvrmgr:foobar_srv01> configure list procs
SV_NAME (31): Server name
CC_ALIAS (31): Component alias
TK_PID (11): Task process id
TK_SISPROC (11): Task sisproc number
TK_NUM_NORMAL_TASKS (11): Number of normal tasks in this process
TK_NUM_SUBTASK_TASKS (11): Number of subtask tasks in this process
TK_NUM_HIDDEN_TASKS (11): Number of hidden tasks in this process
PROC_VM_FREE_PAGES (11): Process virtual memory free pages
PROC_VM_USED_PAGES (11): Process virtual memory used pages
PROC_PH_USED_PAGES (11): Process physical memory used pages
TK_IS_PROC_ENABLED (31): Is the process enabled for tasks
TK_DISP_RUNSTATE (31): Process run state
TK_SOCKETS (11): Sockets Received
Some sample data:
srvrmgr:foobar_srv01> list procs
------------ ------------------------- ------ ---------- ------------------- -------------------- ------------------- ------------------ ------------------ ------------------ ------------------ ---------------- ----------
foobar_srv01 CommInboundRcvr 5504 29 0 0 35 947650 100925 40205 True Running 0
foobar_srv01 ServerMgr 2153 119 1 0 2 1020680 27895 7538 True Running 0
foobar_srv01 EAIObjMgr_enu 5394 24 0 0 7 914435 134140 74499 True Running 0
foobar_srv01 EAIObjMgr_enu 5371 23 0 0 7 930429 118146 60284 True Running 0
foobar_srv01 EAIObjMgr_enu 5353 22 0 0 7 916442 132133 73079 True Running 0
foobar_srv01 eCommunicationsObjMgr_enu 5558 34 0 0 7 749560 299015 183322 True Running 0
foobar_srv01 ServerMgr 2910 120 1 0 2 1020804 27771 7523 True Running 0
foobar_srv01 eCommunicationsObjMgr_enu 5702 39 0 0 7 714186 334389 216924 True Running 0
foobar_srv01 SiebSrvr 5024 1 2 0 2 1039160 9415 6633 True Running 0
foobar_srv01 eCommunicationsObjMgr_enu 5571 32 1 0 13 712222 336353 217281 True Running 0
foobar_srv01 WfRecvMgr 5184 13 0 0 26 954054 94521 38468 True Running 0
foobar_srv01 ServerMgr 15100 121 1 0 2 1020315 28260 7299 True Running 0
foobar_srv01 WfProcMgr 5203 15 0 0 27 887391 161184 99693 True Running 0
foobar_srv01 AdminNotify 5094 7 0 0 17 1035909 12666 2607 True Running 0
foobar_srv01 SvrTaskPersist 5056 8 1 0 3 961872 86703 40503 True Running 0
foobar_srv01 SRProc 5093 6 2 0 6 995037 53538 30798 True Running 0
foobar_srv01 CommConfigMgr 5487 28 0 0 26 954182 94393 38165 True Running 0
foobar_srv01 eSalesObjMgr_enu 5433 25 0 0 7 1018825 29750 6389 True Running 0
foobar_srv01 EAIObjMgr_enu 5313 20 0 0 7 866626 181949 124903 True Running 0
foobar_srv01 eSalesCMEObjMgr_enu 5724 40 0 0 7 1018834 29741 6451 True Running 0
foobar_srv01 SCBroker 5048 4 1 0 2 1039526 9049 2375 True Running 0
foobar_srv01 ServerMgr 14885 100 1 0 2 1020803 27772 7788 True Running 0
foobar_srv01 SRBroker 5039 2 43 0 10 1007397 41178 8950 True Running 0
foobar_srv01 EAIObjMgr_enu 5291 19 0 0 7 904051 144524 84758 True Running 0
foobar_srv01 SCCObjMgr_enu 5227 16 0 0 7 1018808 29767 6381 True Running 0
foobar_srv01 WfProcBatchMgr 5162 11 0 0 26 954304 94271 38448 True Running 0
foobar_srv01 eCommunicationsObjMgr_enu 5656 38 1 0 9 730965 317610 200334 True Running 0
foobar_srv01 CommInboundProcessor 5530 30 0 0 56 947578 100997 37553 True Running 0
foobar_srv01 SCBroker 5040 3 1 0 2 1039423 9152 2376 True Running 0
foobar_srv01 ServerMgr 16328 101 1 0 2 1020586 27989 7906 True Running 0
foobar_srv01 ServerMgr 7735 45 1 0 2 1020032 28543 8112 True Running 0
foobar_srv01 FSMSrvr 5053 5 0 0 26 1033215 15360 4564 True Running 0
foobar_srv01 CommOutboundMgr 5516 31 0 0 56 943817 104758 38734 True Running 0
foobar_srv01 AsgnSrvr 5224 14 0 0 26 964218 84357 57768 True Running 0
foobar_srv01 eCommunicationsObjMgr_enu 5670 37 1 0 10 692726 355849 238679 True Running 0
foobar_srv01 eCommunicationsObjMgr_enu 16116 61 0 0 7 745602 302973 193532 True Running 0
foobar_srv01 eCommunicationsObjMgr_enu 5619 35 0 0 7 742789 305786 187294 True Running 0
foobar_srv01 ServerMgr 458 118 1 0 2 1020686 27889 7537 True Running 0
foobar_srv01 eProdCfgObjMgr_enu 5462 27 0 0 8 957354 91221 38498 True Running 0
foobar_srv01 XMLPReportServer 5245 18 0 0 26 956796 91779 37351 True Running 0
foobar_srv01 eCustomerObjMgr_enu 5446 26 0 0 7 1018852 29723 6423 True Running 0
foobar_srv01 eChannelObjMgr_enu 5256 17 0 0 7 1018732 29843 6356 True Running 0
foobar_srv01 EAIObjMgr_enu 5332 21 0 0 7 907893 140682 83965 True Running 0
foobar_srv01 eCommunicationsObjMgr_enu 5640 36 2 0 11 738753 309822 191577 True Running 0
As you can see, the presence of PID, component alias and current number of executing tasks are quite useful to have in a single command output. Unfortunately, there is no documentation about the other details.
The command can be used with the additional options for server and for comp as well. For example, to monitor when a server has completely started up, you can either run list procs for server <servername> command and verify all processes are in running state.
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